Six-Pack Abs: Myths and Truths You Need to Know

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Having a six-pack is a goal for many people. It’s the reason behind countless “summer body” resolutions, isn’t it? The pursuit of the ideal physique is strong, and many people do everything they can to achieve their goals, especially when it comes to a flat stomach, a body part that can be particularly challenging to target.

But is everything we hear about getting a six-pack actually true? In this article, we’ll debunk some common myths and reveal the truth about achieving that coveted ripped abdomen.

Why is it so hard to get a six-pack?

The abdominal area is one of the last regions to lose fat. This is because the body uses fat as an energy source in a general way, taking energy from where it needs it, not just from a specific area. The order in which the body uses fat as an energy source can vary depending on each person’s genetic and hormonal profile. However, the belly is usually one of the last areas to lose fat since it’s one of the body’s preferred storage areas.

The dreaded “love handles”

Some people are more prone to accumulating abdominal fat, creating those infamous “love handles,” making it harder to lose weight in that area. This means that even when a person loses fat in other areas, it may take longer to notice a reduction in the belly. Additionally, the belly is also an area that tends to accumulate visceral fat, which is the fat that accumulates around the internal organs and is more difficult to eliminate.

5 myths and truths about six-pack abs

  1. It’s possible to lose fat only in the belly: Myth. Many people believe it’s possible to lose fat only in the belly without affecting other areas of the body. However, this is not true. When the body loses fat, it does so generally, in all regions. Therefore, it’s not possible to eliminate only abdominal fat. This is only possible through surgical procedures.
  2. Cardio is important for losing belly fat: Truth. Cardio is essential for those who want to lose belly fat because it involves aerobic exercises that increase heart rate, boost calorie expenditure, and stimulate the metabolism to work harder. Exercises like running, cycling, HIIT, dancing, and martial arts are excellent options for burning body fat and defining the abdomen. However, cardio should be combined with strength training, as it’s focused on muscle hypertrophy, which will actually define the abdominal muscles.
  3. You need to do abs every day to get a six-pack: Myth. Doing only ab exercises is not enough to get a six-pack, even if you do them every day. A six-pack is nothing more than muscle definition, so to make it visible, you first need to lose the fat that covers the abdominal muscles.
  4. Genetics influence six-pack abs: Truth. You’ve probably met someone who does the same exercises as you, even eats similar foods, but they have a six-pack and you don’t. Why? One of the factors could be genetics, which can influence abdominal definition, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a six-pack. You need dedication and to follow a routine of physical exercise and a healthy diet, even if it requires more effort for some people than others.
  5. It’s possible to get a six-pack in a short time: Myth. Achieving a six-pack is a process that can take months or even years, depending on your body type and routine. First, it’s important to remember that each person has a unique body type, which can significantly influence how quickly the body responds to training. Additionally, to achieve a six-pack, you need to adopt a consistent training routine that involves aerobic exercise, strength training, and specific abdominal workouts. This routine needs to be combined with a balanced diet that provides the nutrients your body needs to function properly and that aligns with your training energy needs.

Achieve your goals with the best infrastructure

The message from Fitness Hero Phuket is: don’t be fooled by miraculous promises of quick and easy results. Achieving a six-pack requires time, dedication, and effort. But don’t give up, because the results are extremely rewarding and long-lasting. And to achieve these results, you need to have the best infrastructure. At Fitness Hero Phuket, you’ll find a variety of equipment available, as well as group classes and specific training programs. All of this is included in your membership!

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